Apa fitur utama mesin blasting shot?


Akeh pabrik pabrik sing digunakakemesin blasting dijupukamarga duwe kemampuan grinding lan perawatan sing apik. Dheweke bisa mbusak teyeng / ngoksidasi / ngilangi bekas bagean supaya permukaan katon anyar. Iki dudu intine utama. Sawise polesan, bagean kasebut duwe tingkat resistensi tartamtu, supaya bisa digunakake luwih awet lan efektif. Iki uga tujuane mesin blasting shot. Editor ing ngisor iki bakal ngomong babagan ciri utama mesin blasting shot.
1. Kinerja sing stabil lan kuat
Salah sawijining ciri khas ingdijupuk mesin blasting is that its performance is sufficiently stable, the effect of shot blasting and the averaging/persistence of the shot blasting rate comparison, the manufacturers can completely refer to the dijupuk mesin blasting manufacturers in the actual put into use. The parameter plan is set, and the parameter setting is based on science, which can maximize the performance of the dijupuk mesin blasting.
2. Adaptasi karo owah-owahan pasar
Dijupuk mesin blasting is a kind of surface treatment equipment that meets market demand. After several years of continuous expansion and upgrading, there are now more than ten types of dijupuk mesin blastings, which meet the various needs and needs of users. For example, you are making castings. If you choose a crawler dijupuk mesin blasting, for example, if you are in the steel industry, you choose a through-type dijupuk mesin blasting, so the dijupuk mesin blasting is able to adapt to market changes and meet various needs.
3. Prinsip lan struktur iku gampang
Saliyane efek lan efisiensi sing apik, perlengkapan blasting shot dhewe duwe struktur kompak, lan sampeyan bisa ngerti bagean endi sing bisa muter kanthi cepet. Prinsip sakadijupuk mesin blasting is to shoot through the dijupuk mesin blasting, and it is shot at a certain speed. Among the surface of the workpiece, the surface of the workpiece is subjected to continuous impact and becomes shiny and clean. Of course, what kind of shot material you use depends on what kind of parts you throw.
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