Pambuka komponen mesin shot blasting


Mesin blasting shot yaiku adijupuk blasting peralatankanggo perawatan obyek permukaan logam. Bisa poles bagean logam lan mbusak lapisan lengket, oksidasi, lan lapisan karat. Iki uga sabenere amargadijupuk mesin blasting has such a good effect and efficiency, so people in the industry will have a high evaluation of it. What are the components of the dijupuk mesin blasting?

The components of the dijupuk mesin blasting: shot blasting cleaning room, shot blasting head, elevator, separator, dust collector, screw conveyor, electric control system. 

Sistem kontrol listrik: Nganggo kontrol PLC murni, sing bisa disetel kanthi otomatis utawa manual.

Kolektor bledug: Efek reresik sing apik kanggo bledug lan sampah, lan kanthi otomatis.

Dijupuk mesin blasting: It is a dijupuk mesin blasting accessory at the core of the whole equipment. 

Pisah: Fungsi utama yaiku misahake proyektil utawa sampah pelet lan bledug.

Lift: Bisa ngangkat pelet sing ditularake sekrup ing sisih ngisor kanggo nggayuh hopper pelet.

Ruang blasting shot: Iki kamar blasting shot sing dibutuhake nalika bagean diresiki.

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